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Martha's Wedding Blog
Wednesday, 20 December 2006
Lodging Update

I updated the logding page with information from La Quinta. Adam called them yesterday and set up a group block of rooms for a discounted rate. We'll be checking with the Holiday Inn across the highway soon. The Days Inn in Neenah refused to do a group rate because they really have no competition. Therefore we recommend staying somewhere in Appleton.

Variety of choice equals competition equals better prices.

Posted by Martha at 12:31 PM CST
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Thursday, 14 December 2006
Who will buy my sweet red roses?

A random Oliver! reference opens this entry about flowers quite nicely, don't you think?

We finally found a day that we can go to the florist and talk with their bridal consultant (or whatever it is they call it.) Adam and I both have next Friday off from work (my last day of vacation this year *sniff*) so he called and made an appointment this afternoon.

Honestly, this is probably my least favorite thing to do. I am not a flower person. Thinking about flowers makes me think about gardening. And that makes me think about that time I killed a cactus. Which isn't an easy thing to do. I am so not green-thumbish.

But I digress.

Perhaps the title of this post is misleading since I will not be buying red roses. In fact, there will be no roses at all. I don't like roses. Chances are since our colors are purple and yellow there will be lots of carnations, calla lilies, and hyacinths.

But I suppose this is why we're talking with the professional flower person. Because I don't know what I'm talking about.

Posted by Martha at 9:11 PM CST
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Thursday, 7 December 2006
Wedding Fashion

Now, I can't get into details about my dress here since Adam has free rein on reading this and that all is supposed to be a surprise. I will say that I got a call from the place I ordered it to tell me that it has come in. Yes, 23 days after I ordered it, my wedding dress is available for me. Seems strange to me, but whatever. My dad, Cheryl, and Joan (Adam's mom) will be heading up to look at it this Sunday. Fun, fun.

The second order of business is shoes. Here are the shoes I've chosen:

They're pretty comfortable and I plan to prance around the apartment in them for awhile to stretch them out. They are 4" heels which, while boosting me to a whopping 5'7"ish, still gets me nowhere near Adam's 6'8" head. I still have to reach a bit to get my hands up to his neck (a la slow dancing mode) but it'll have to do. I'm afraid I'd have to venture into stripper shoe territory to get something much higher. (Don't think I didn't consider that... but I figured it might not be the best choice for the overall outfit.)

Next up (since my dress is already here and I was going to wait for it to choose these) are the veil and other head adornments. I know basically what I want and now I just have to find the specific model.

After that is the fun of undergarments. < totally sarcasm

My motto for the day is: I can live with the uncomfortable, big shoes but I can't live with underwear that jabs me in the side all day. I await the adventure.

Posted by Martha at 6:54 PM CST
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Friday, 1 December 2006
Engagement Photos

We had our free engagement photo session with our photographer last night. He's a great guy and he downloaded and burned all our pictures to a CD before we left last night. This means I get to spread them around right away. Woo!

This is the picture that will be on the Christmas cards we send out as well as in any newspaper announcement(s) we do (click to see the full-size pictures):

And here are a few fun outtakes. I'm so not photogenic.

And my personal favorite:

Posted by Martha at 5:40 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 1 December 2006 5:42 PM CST
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Welcome to the Wedding Blog
I figured since I moved the website to Tripod and they have this easy to use blog thing I might as well move all the wedding blog entries from my personal blog over to the wedding site. I'm not sure what kinds of things I'll write about here, but I figure I'll post pictures here and talk about what we've got going on every once in a while. Maybe Adam can add his two cents as well.

Posted by Martha at 5:19 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 1 December 2006 5:43 PM CST
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