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Martha's Wedding Blog
Thursday, 14 December 2006
Who will buy my sweet red roses?

A random Oliver! reference opens this entry about flowers quite nicely, don't you think?

We finally found a day that we can go to the florist and talk with their bridal consultant (or whatever it is they call it.) Adam and I both have next Friday off from work (my last day of vacation this year *sniff*) so he called and made an appointment this afternoon.

Honestly, this is probably my least favorite thing to do. I am not a flower person. Thinking about flowers makes me think about gardening. And that makes me think about that time I killed a cactus. Which isn't an easy thing to do. I am so not green-thumbish.

But I digress.

Perhaps the title of this post is misleading since I will not be buying red roses. In fact, there will be no roses at all. I don't like roses. Chances are since our colors are purple and yellow there will be lots of carnations, calla lilies, and hyacinths.

But I suppose this is why we're talking with the professional flower person. Because I don't know what I'm talking about.

Posted by Martha at 9:11 PM CST
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